ACH is sponsoring working groups as a way for members to receive institutionally-legible recognition for work they are doing that aligns with our organization’s goals and values

What is an ACH working group?

A self-identified group of individuals who wish to discuss, work on, and/or otherwise collaborate on an issue related to digital humanities. Examples may include but are not limited to: digital humanities and labor, digital humanities librarians, race and digital humanities, digital humanities graduate students, etc. Participation is voluntary.

Who makes up an ACH working group?

Any ACH member can propose a working group. Each working group must include at least five participants, including two co-chairs who must both be members of ACH. Participants who are not co-chairs are not required to become ACH members but are encouraged to join. You may already be having informal meetings with colleagues on a digital humanities related topic, so proposing a working group would formalize and recognize this work. Or you may be looking to start a conversation on a topic, and our working groups offer a structure to do so.

How do I start an ACH working group?

Any member can propose a working group for the year (August 1 of the current year to July 31 the following year), at any point in the year. A proposal (no more than 2 pages, double-spaced) consists of a description of the scope and purpose, an initial list of participants, and realistic goals for the year. You can email the proposal to

How long does an ACH working group last?

Working groups are approved for one year. Each year, working groups that wish to maintain affiliation with ACH will submit a report (no more than 1 page, double spaced) containing description of their activities from the previous year, the names of the next year’s co-chairs, and the goals for the next year. We strongly encourage a rotating chair model, at least every two years, to share leadership opportunities.

What are the benefits of starting an ACH Working Group?

ACH working groups will be featured on the ACH website and promoted to new members, who will be invited to contact the working group coordinators to join. They will have the opportunity to contribute updates to the quarterly ACH newsletter to promote and share their work. They will be offered a slot on the program at the annual conference. ACH can also offer a formal letter of support or reference attesting to the work of the co-chairs as needed for promotion, job applications, etc.

Past & Current ACH Working Groups