Current members of the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) or joint members of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO) are entitled to take part in our annual election and voting activities. This year, we will elect three Executive Council members as well as address three procedural matters:

  1. A bylaws change that is proposed for ratification
  2. The Recommendations for Assessment of Digital Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion Cases, which are offered for member endorsement
  3. The ACH Identity Statement, which is offered for member endorsement.

Executive Council Positions

The four-year terms for the Executive Council positions will begin at the close of the 2016 annual summer Executive Council meeting. TEN candidates have been nominated to fill three positions of Executive Council Member. You will be entitled to vote for up to THREE candidates for the position of Executive Council Member.

Bylaws Change and Ratification

The bylaws change shifts the election cycle to the spring of each year. This will align ACH more closely to other ADHO constituent organizations in terms of election cycles. It will also align more closely with the start of the ACH membership term at the beginning of the calendar year, addressing some members’ confusion regarding whether they are eligible to vote. Finally, it will bring elections closer to the rollover date of service periods for existing Executive Council members.

The bylaws change is an up-or-down vote; you will be asked whether you vote to ratify or not ratify it.

Endorsement of ACH Guidelines and Identity

Over the last year, and with ACH members’ participation, the Executive Council has drafted two documents we would like the membership to endorse publicly:

  1. The Recommendations for Assessment of Digital scholarship in Tenure and Promotion Cases: This document was presented at our annual General Membership meeting in Krakow in Summer 2016. The Executive Council solicited feedback from the membership following that meeting and incorporated it into the version of the Guidelines you will be asked to endorse with your yea vote.

  2. The ACH Identity Statement. This document was drafted by the Executive Council following discussions with the membership as well as at the Executive Council level. It seeks to clarify the scope and identity of our organization for both new and continuing members.

For each of the public documents, we will ask you to endorse or not endorse it. Endorsed documents will be made part of the ACH website and promoted via social media.

Elections will begin at midday on December 5, 2016 and end at midnight GMT on January 19, 2017. Details of all the candidates, and drafts of the bylaws change and public documents, can be found on the ACH website and at the links below. Queries should be addressed to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Élika Ortega. Queries regarding the bylaws change or endorsement of documents should be addressed to the President of ACH, Jennifer Guiliano or the Vice-President of ACH, Matthew K. Gold.

To place your vote online, you will need your Subscription Number and your unique Voting Token. The token ensures that each member may vote only once and that the results are submitted anonymously.